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How IV Therapy Can Help Improve Recovery After Surgery

October 31, 2023

You may have heard about IV therapy being used to deliver medications and treat dehydration. But, did you know that IV therapy can be extremely beneficial when it comes to recovering after surgery? IV therapy can help improve recovery following a surgical procedure by supplying your body with vital nutrients that can help to speed up the healing process. Here is how IV therapy can help improve recovery after surgery:

What is IV Therapy?

It’s common for our bodies to not receive all the nutrients and minerals it needs to be in optimal condition solely from the foods we consume. Diet alone often isn’t enough. IV therapy can provide a boost of these nutrients, helping our bodies to work better in a variety of ways.

Surgery can cause extensive trauma to the body, leaving patients to suffer from a variety of conditions such as blood loss, tissue injury, gastrointestinal fluid loss and dehydration. When this happens, patients can be susceptible to insufficient blood circulation and decreased oxygen delivered to important organs.

IV therapy is one of the most effective ways to replenish these nutrients. It provides hydration while simultaneously replenishing electrolytes and upping the oxygen delivered to tissues and organs. Because IV therapy treatments are administered through the bloodstream, they bypass the digestive system and are absorbed much more efficiently than other options such as supplements.

How IV Therapy is Beneficial After Surgery

A lack of proper nutrients can greatly delay the healing of wounds and leave patients susceptible to surgical and postoperative complications. By providing optimal nutrition through IV therapy you can improve your chances of recovering faster following surgery.

Being deficient in micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and Vitamin B6 negatively impacts immune response. Immune response is vital in helping your body heal following surgery. Replacing these nutrients can help to improve immune system response, reduce bruising and swelling and even promote better healing of wounds.

Vitamin C via IV therapy can help to reduce inflammation and help with wound healing. Zinc can stimulate collagen production while amino acids aid in the healing and repairing the body. Meanwhile, glutathione provides a healthy dose of antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body. Vitamin B12 aids in the formation of red blood cells, cell metabolism and nerve function, again helping to speed up the healing process.

About Medical Transformation Center

Medical Transformation Center merges the latest in scientific advances with a personalized approach to help you achieve your unique wellness goals! Located in Louisville, Kentucky, MTC helps patients achieve the best healthcare outcomes by drawing on our 30-plus years of experience in the field of traditional medicine.

Each patient at MTC receives a care plan specifically designed for their individual needs, body and goals. We offer some of the latest regenerative approaches to help you get back to feeling like yourself.

IV therapy from Medical Transformation Center can be highly beneficial in helping you recover quicker after surgery. Contact us today to learn more about how MTC can help you get back on your feet quicker than ever following a surgical procedure!