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The Purpose of Advanced Lipid Particle Testing

March 12, 2018

Most people do not think about testing their lipid levels until their doctor tells them that they need to test their lipid levels in connection with treatment to keep their cholesterol under control. There are many benefits to advanced lipid particle testing. One of the benefits is that it allows people to have a clearer, more detailed understanding of their cholesterol-related risk for things like stroke or heart attack. Individuals who are battling with diabetes or who have a different disease that is affecting their insulin resistance can still have a progression of cardiovascular disease, even though less comprehensive tests show that they have a lower density of lipoprotein.

Advanced lipid particle testing is not necessary for everyone. However, if your history with cardiovascular disease, a stroke, or peripheral artery disease is of concern to you and you want to have a clear picture about how lipoprotein particles are distributed in your blood, then this advanced form of testing is going to be good for you.

Some of the individuals who look to advanced lipid particle testing are those who have had cardiovascular disease without having the lifestyle conditions that one would usually associate with cardiovascular disease. This means that they might have had a heart attack, they might have been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, or they might have had a stroke even though they don’t have diabetes, they don’t smoke, and they have never been diagnosed with high blood pressure.

This advanced form of testing is also beneficial for individuals who have developed cardiovascular disease earlier in their life. This includes men who develop cardiovascular disease before reaching the age of 55, as well as women who develop cardiovascular disease before reaching the age of 65.

Do you think advanced lipid particle testing could be of benefit to you? Make an appointment at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY and find out for sure. Contact us today to book a consultation!