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What Are Signs That You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy

March 3, 2021

Are you experiencing unexplained weight gain, mood swings, or fatigue? Inadequate hormone levels can cause you to develop these health problems and other unpleasant symptoms. If you would like to relieve your fatigue, lose weight, and improve your moods, you should consider getting hormone replacement therapy from the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY.

What Are the Signs That You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy, also known as HRT, is a wonderful way to balance your hormones and improve a number of frustrating health problems. Your production of certain types of hormones may change as you get older. Your declining hormones can cause you to develop frustrating mood issues, bone loss, and other symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, you should schedule an initial appointment at our office in Louisville.

Losing Bone Mass

Estrogen and testosterone are hormones that help you maintain strong, healthy bones. When you begin to make lower amounts of these important hormones, you will become more likely to experience a health issue called osteoporosis. This problem will cause your bones to become brittle and weak. Osteoporosis can lead to bone fractures and other medical issues.

Experiencing Mood Swings

Your estrogen and testosterone levels will affect your moods. These hormones help you create a chemical called serotonin. When you do not make enough of these important hormones, your serotonin production will decline, and you may become depressed. This change can also cause you to experience mood swings.

Your mood swings may cause you to feel very irritated if you experience a small problem or setback. Your changing mood can impair your relationships and lead to conflicts with your co-workers, friends, or relatives.

Developing Sleeping Issues

When your hormones are imbalanced, you might struggle to fall asleep when you are tired and wake up frequently during the nighttime. You may also experience a condition called sleep apnea. If you have this issue, you will periodically stop breathing during the night. In addition, sleep apnea can cause you to snore and develop other health issues.

Feeling Fatigued

Having a hormonal imbalance can cause you to feel very tired. For example, you might feel exhausted after you have slept for a full eight hours. In addition, you might be unable to enjoy physical activities like jogging, biking, or swimming. Instead of spending time exercising, you might feel the desire to lie down and watch television.

Developing Urinary Issues

If you are a woman, your hormonal issues can increase your chance of developing a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI. As your estrogen decreases, the lining of your urethra and the walls of your vagina may begin to thin. These changes can cause you to experience frequent UTIs and develop urinary incontinence.

Experiencing Memory Problems

As your hormones decline, you may begin to develop concentration and memory issues. For example, you might have difficulty focusing when you watch a complicated movie or try to read a very long book. In addition, you might be unable to complete long, challenging assignments at your workplace.

Gaining Extra Weight

Your hormone fluctuations can cause you to quickly gain large amounts of weight. For example, you might gain weight even if you exercise several times a week and eat a balanced diet. Experiencing unexplained changes in your figure can cause you to feel embarrassed about your appearance. In addition, you might be unable to wear your favorite outfits.

Experiencing Menstrual Issues

If you are a woman, experiencing menstrual issues can be a sign that you need to receive HRT. As your estrogen levels decline, you might bleed heavily and experience cramps during your period. In addition, your menstrual periods could last for more than seven days. Your long, heavy periods may interfere with your ability to complete assignments at your job and enjoy your favorite hobbies.

Alternatively, your hormonal changes could cause your periods to become irregular. For example, your menstrual cycle may last for more than 35 days.

How Will You Begin the Process of Improving Your Hormone Levels?

We will give you a hormone treatment that will be personalized to fit your unique health needs.

Receiving a Consultation

Before we provide your hormone replacement therapy, we will have a personalized consultation with you. During this important meeting, we will talk about the mood swings, fatigue, and other symptoms that you are experiencing. You should be prepared to tell us when your symptoms began and discuss any hormone treatments that you have received in the past. In addition, you should let us about any sensitivities or allergies that you have.

Diagnosing Your Hormonal Issues

We can diagnose your hormonal problems by conducting a physical examination and performing a blood test. Drawing your blood is a quick, easy process that will take a very short time to finish. We can use your blood sample to diagnose testosterone problems, estrogen issues, and other hormonal deficiencies. After we have diagnosed your hormonal issues, we will begin your personalized therapy program.

What Type of Hormone Treatment Will You Receive?

The type of treatment that you receive will depend on the severity of your hormonal issues, your personal preferences, and several other factors. Depending on your needs, we may address your symptoms by providing you with bioidentical hormone pellets, creams, patches, or other treatments. Since all of these treatments are non-invasive or minimally invasive, you should feel confident as you prepare to begin your HRT.

Bioidentical Hormone Pellets

If you receive this type of therapy, we will carefully place bioidentical hormone pellets underneath your skin. Injecting your hormone pellets will be a very quick and relaxing process. After your pellets are in place, they will release a consistent stream of hormones. Receiving a reliable, steady dose of hormones is a good way to relieve your fatigue, weight changes, and other symptoms.

If you would struggle to put creams onto your skin or perform other daily hormonal treatments, you might be a good candidate for this option. In addition, we may recommend hormone pellets if you are trying to address multiple symptoms.


Under some circumstances, we may provide you with hormone injections. You will usually need to visit our office for injections once every two to four weeks. Since you will quickly absorb these injections, this treatment can be a good way to achieve fast improvements in your health. If you are experiencing severe symptoms that are related to your hormonal deficiency, we may advise you to receive this type of therapy.


We can also use patches to improve your negative symptoms. We will usually instruct you to apply a small patch onto your skin once every day. To achieve the best results, you might need to put your patch onto different locations each day. This option will allow you to receive a steady dose of hormones in a completely non-invasive manner.

Creams and Gels

If you are experiencing more minor symptoms, we may advise you to use special gels or creams to correct your hormonal issues. If you select this type of hormone replacement therapy, we will provide you with specialized gels or creams that contain a carefully calibrated dose of hormones. We will usually advise you to apply your cream or gel once a day.

How Long Will Your Improvements Last?

The duration of your results will depend on your health, hormone levels, and the type of therapy that you are receiving. In particular, bioidentical hormone pellets may improve your negative symptoms for three to four months. In contrast, hormone injections may last for three or four weeks.

We will monitor your health while you are receiving your hormone therapy. As you respond to your injections, pellets, patches, or creams, we will make adjustments to your treatment. For example, we may provide you with a different dose of hormones or adjust the frequency of your treatments as your negative symptoms begin to improve.

When Will Your Symptoms Begin To Decrease?

Although you will have a unique reaction to your HRT, this treatment will usually work very quickly. On average, your emotional problems are likely to improve within about seven days. If your hormonal imbalances have caused you to feel anxious or irritable, these problems are likely to decrease at this time.

If you have been experiencing vaginal dryness and hot flashes, these health issues may begin to improve within the first 14 weeks. After you have received treatment for three weeks, your energy levels will increase, and you will have an easier time focusing on challenging tasks. During the next six to eight weeks, your other symptoms are likely to become less severe.

Treat Your Hormonal Issues

Unexplained changes in your weight, mood swings, bone loss, sleep issues, and other health conditions can be warning signs that your hormones have become unbalanced. Receiving hormone replacement therapy is an easy way to relieve your emotional and physical symptoms. To learn whether you are a good candidate for HRT, contact us at the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY.