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5 Simple Ways to Improve Physical Health

October 21, 2022

While there are several aspects of health, how you feel physically can impact your everyday life. So, if you’re tired of feeling exhausted, in pain, or just not great overall, it’s time to make changes. There are several habits you can build every day to work towards a healthier lifestyle. Here are 5 simple ways to improve physical health.

1. Move Your Body More

Everyone says to exercise more. It can be hard to incorporate exercise if you’re short on time or you experience challenges that make it difficult to get moving.

For those people who are busy all the time, make it a priority to fit in movement where you can. Stand up at your desk instead of sitting. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park farther away from the door when you’re out shopping. Find a 15-minute exercise routine to follow online no matter where you are. Take short strolls throughout the day.

Anyone who has physical challenges when it comes to exercise should strive to find movement they enjoy and are capable of doing. You don’t have to lift heavy weights or go for a run for exercise to “count.” You can improve physical health with several types of exercise, including yoga, stretching, and walking.

Increasing the amount of movement in your day, even if you start out small, will still contribute to your fitness journey.

2. Get Good Sleep

A truly impactful way to improve physical health is to make sure you are getting enough good sleep. Too many adults report not getting adequate sleep, and this definitely affects how you feel. Not getting the amount or the quality of sleep you need can increase stress hormones and ultimately affect your immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health.

Come up with a bedtime routine that allows you to slow down from the day. Try to stay off of electronics at least an hour before bed. Find something that helps you relax and get in the mindset for rest. You’ll also want to practice discipline and get in bed at a decent time as regularly as possible, to support your circadian rhythm (or at least for when you need to be up the next day).

3. Evaluate Your Water Intake

We’ve all heard that most people don’t drink enough water. Our bodies are mostly made of water, and we lose water throughout the day, which means we need to be replenishing it. If you don’t consume enough water, you are more susceptible to being constipated, dehydrated, weakened immunity, among many other things.

The amount of water you should be consuming will depend on a myriad of factors, including gender, age, weight, and activity level.

If you struggle with drinking enough water, you could get a special bottle you’re excited to drink out of, add herbs, low-sugar fruits or vegetables or an Arbonne Hydrate to it, and try to drink water first thing in the morning before anything else.

4. Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

Of course, one of the top ways to improve physical health you hear about is eating a well-balanced diet. We approach diet differently than most practitioners because our recommendations are truly personalized for each individual. We evaluate what the best diet is for you through genomic testing, like looking at your APoE genotype, as well as looking for food allergies, sensitivities, yeast, microbiome imbalance, inflammation, insulin resistance, and other factors.

Everyone is going to have different needs when it comes to diet, but everyone should also keep their favorite indulgent foods in rotation. You can still enjoy that donut, fried chicken, or other delicious food in moderation! Otherwise, dietary changes won’t be sustainable and can lead to yo-yo dieting, which has negative health consequences.

5. Improve Mental Health

All aspects of health are connected. If you aren’t in the best place with your mental health, then your physical health could suffer. Some of the most common words of wisdom you’ll hear include reducing stress, making sure you find relaxing things to do during the day, or taking a brain break from work.

Depending on what type of mental health issues you’re dealing with, you may also want to consult a professional. The other simple ways listed above can also improve overall mental state if cultivated consistently over time.

These are just some ways to improve physical health to reach your goals. If you do find yourself feeling overwhelmed with any of these aspects of your wellbeing journey or would like to learn more about them and other methods, we do offer a variety of services and programs that may just be what you need! For instance, coming in and creating a Personal Transformation Plan can be a great way to get tailored support. Learn how to become a patient, then let us know how we can help you with your physical health.