Your Partner in Optimum Health!

Learn About Athletic Optimization in Louisville

March 5, 2018

You are serious about your athletic performance, dedicated to getting the most out of your body. You push yourself to the limits. You work out on a daily basis with a rigorous regimen that really puts your body to the test. You are careful about what you eat, staying hydrated, and getting the recommended amount of rest so that you can continue to meet your fitness goals. You may think that you are doing everything right, but you may be missing an important piece of the puzzle. Athletic optimization in Louisville can help you to have a clear picture of what is going on inside of you so that you can enhance your well-being.

Understanding Athletic Optimization

Athletic optimization is made possible when you turn to functional medicine, a branch of medicine that focuses on ensuring all systems in the body are functioning at optimal levels. In order to do so, you will need a thorough evaluation to address any underlying issues that you may not be aware of on a day to day basis. If you don’t look at the big picture and how all systems in your body need to be performing at their best, you may be hurting yourself in the end.

With athletic optimization, you will be carefully evaluated. If there is an area where you are lacking, it will be addressed. As a person who is committed to extreme fitness, you may not realize that you are pushing your body too hard. You need to give your body a chance to repair itself and build up tissues after your hard workout results in damage that you may not even know about.

Get a Plan that is Designed for You

When you take part in athletic optimization and functional medical testing, many aspects of your health will be evaluated, including the functioning of your digestive system, your hormone levels, any nutritional deficiencies that may be present, and the effectiveness of detoxification processes in your body. Once you have been assessed, a program will be customized for you to ensure that you are meeting all of your needs.

Find Out How Athletic Optimization in Louisville Can Make a Difference for You

To learn more about the positive impact that athletic optimization can have on you, contact us today at Medical Transformation Center and schedule your consultation! Our team proudly serves you from our office in Louisville, Kentucky.