Your Partner in Optimum Health!

Weight Management

April 27, 2021

If you have spent too many years living your life overweight, there is a solution that can help you reach your body goals and maintain them permanently. At Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY, we offer different weight management plans to help men from all walks of life overhaul their diet, learn to live a healthy lifestyle and achieve true vitality.

What Steps Are Involved in Men’s Weight Management?

Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important to your overall health. When you reach an optimal weight, you increase your chances of maintaining optimal health. You will be better protected from weight-related diseases, and you have more energy to get through your day.

One of the simplest ways to maintain optimal health is to begin a weight management plan. By changing your diet and exercise routine and establishing accountability, you can reach a healthy weight and maintain it.

Focus on Nutrition

Nutrition may single-handedly be one of if not the most important aspects of weight management. However, maintaining a healthy diet is often the hardest lifestyle change. If you are ready to reach a healthy weight but aren’t sure where to start when it comes to your diet, we can help. Our experts will overhaul your current unhealthy diet and replace it with one that will help you reach all of your body goals.

Maintainable Meal Plans

When it comes to changing your diet, one of the keys to success is making changes to maintain over time. Fad diets may deliver short-term results, but they are not maintainable long-term. Most people who follow a fad diet end up gaining back the weight they lost on that diet once the diet ends.

Customized Meal Plans

We will help create a customized nutrition plan that not only will taste good but will help you reach your ideal weight. Once you learn how to eat right, you can train your body to avoid the foods that sabotage not only your weight but your house.

We will design meal plans for you that you can follow and, in doing so, will take all of the confusion out of the dieting process. We will teach you the tips and tricks necessary to lose weight and keep it off without sacrificing taste and flavor. We will help you find healthy substitutions for your favorite unhealthy foods.

Healthy Substitutions

Many people think that a diet includes foods that are bland and restrictive. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be painful, nor does it have to taste terrible. There is a similar yet nutritious alternative for every unhealthy option that can give you the satisfying flavors you crave without the extra calories, chemicals, or unhealthy fat. There are many different healthy alternatives for unhealthy food that sometimes taste even better than the original.

For example, switching from high-fat, low-quality ground beef to a leaner grass-fed version can make all the difference in your weight management plan. Substituting white rice for brown or eliminating rice and choosing higher protein grains and legumes like lentils and quinoa can help maintain carbohydrate balance without negatively impacting your blood sugar.

The Foundations of a Healthy Diet

The key components of a healthy diet include what you’re eating, how often you are eating, and how much you are eating. Smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day will help keep your metabolism revved and can help you avoid binging at the end of the day after not eating for hours on end. Portion size also matters. There are ways to measure your portions without carrying a measuring cup around with you all day.

What you eat is also vital to reaching a healthy weight. The best foods to help you reach your weight loss goals include:

  • Healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, ghee, almonds, etc.
  • Lean proteins like fish, chicken, lien cuts of beef
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Foods free of chemicals, artificial dyes, and colors, and preservatives
  • Low glycemic sugars and natural sweeteners like Stevia maple syrup dates, coconut sugar
  • Foods that are low in sodium and flavored with fresh herbs and spices
  • Water-based drinks or sparkling water
  • Complex carbohydrates that don’t impact blood sugar levels like sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, beans

Exercise Daily

There is a secret about exercise and weight loss that’s unknown to many, but it’s very effective. When you eat well, overhaul your diet, and focus on eating the right portions at the right time throughout the day, you won’t have to kill yourself in the gym. You cannot out-exercise a bad diet, so if you are eating well, you won’t need to. Spend anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes in the gym to help you reach your goals.

It’s all a matter of preference. If you love working out, you can spend more time exercising. If you don’t love working out, know that you don’t have to live in the gym to reach your weight loss goals. There are some ways to exercise that will help you accomplish the most in the shortest amount of time and keep your metabolism fueled and functioning all day long.

Workout Plans

When you choose our office to help you begin a weight management plan, we can help point you in the right direction with an exercise routine designed to help you lose weight. You must incorporate both cardiovascular activity and strength training into your workout routine. The purpose of cardio is to promote heart health, get your heart rate up, and help you burn calories.

Those who just focus on cardio will lose weight, but they’ll only be a smaller version of themselves. Their body composition won’t change, but they will lose weight. Strength training changes your body composition, builds lean muscle mass, and helps you burn fat when you’re not even moving. Lifting weights that challenge you will help you burn fat while building lean muscle mass. You’ll get leaner and more toned over time.


One of the most efficient forms of cardio that you can do while trying to lose weight is high-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT. You can perform HIIT with any exercise, including walking, stepping, running, and biking. It only takes 20 minutes to be effective, but it will help increase your metabolism and help your body burn more calories at rest when done several times a week.

To perform HIIT intervals, simply find an activity that you like. Take running, for instance. For 30 seconds, run as fast as you can. Follow that with anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds of rest and then repeat. Perform this for 20 minutes in total. You will burn a significant amount of calories, challenge your body, and increase your metabolism. As you get stronger, you can decrease your rest time and follow a one-to-one intensity and resting ratio.

Alternating Cardio Styles

You don’t need to perform HIIT every single day. Doing so will over-exert your body and increase the risk for potential injury. Ideally, perform HIIT one to three times a week at most. In between each HIIT session, focus on steady-state cardio like brisk walking, jogging at a normal pace, or any activity that you enjoy that increases your heart rate for at least 30 minutes.

Know Yourself

If you are not a morning person, schedule your workouts when you know you will show up. If you plan a morning workout and know that you will choose more sleep over early-morning exercise, act accordingly. In the same way, if you know that after a long day at work, you will give in to the temptation to go home instead of hitting the gym, schedule your workouts at a time that you will be able to commit to daily movement.

Find Accountability

Accountability is another key component of a successful weight management plan that many people don’t consider. Starting a diet and weight loss plan can feel exciting at first. You’re motivated, you have all the tools in front of you, and you’re ready to commit to losing the weight you need to reach your body goals.

However, sometimes as soon as a few days in, that motivation can begin to fade. You don’t feel as interested in eating the right foods. Cravings feel stronger, and the temptation to succumb to laziness instead of getting in your cardio for the day may take over. That’s where you need accountability.

The Importance of an Accountability Partner

We can help provide you with accountability but to ensure success, you should find someone in your life who can help push you to reach your goals even when you don’t feel like it. This person should be someone who can tell you the things that you don’t want to hear but need to hear. We can help initiate accountability, but having someone there to interact with you daily, even if it’s just a text, can make all the difference.

The Benefits of Starting a Weight Management Plan

Losing weight is usually a win-win situation unless you’re underweight and don’t want to lose weight. However, many benefits are associated with choosing a weight management plan and committing to a weight-loss journey and a healthier lifestyle. Deciding to begin a weight-loss journey is a no-brainer. It’s a choice that you will never regret; it will continue to reap the benefits day in and day out indefinitely.

Increased Confidence

When you notice positive changes in your body composition, it will increase your confidence. As you begin to see a difference in how your clothes look and feel, you will feel more confident walking into a room, a group of people, and even while wearing a swimsuit.

While some people claim that focusing on your appearance is an exercise in vanity, changing your appearance for the better can improve mental health. It can also positively affect the way you feel about yourself and the way you interact with others.

Improved Health

Sometimes the solution to significant health problems isn’t in medication; it comes through weight loss. Losing weight can help resolve some significant health issues and protect you from developing life-threatening conditions. When you achieve a healthy weight, not only will you look better, but you’ll feel better. You’ll have increased energy and a better overall sense of well-being.

Holding on to excess body weight can make you more susceptible to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type two diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Losing weight will help act as a preventative measure against these conditions and help promote optimal health and well-being.

Begin Your Weight Loss Journey Today

Weight loss doesn’t have to be painful, nor does it require hours in the gym and a restrictive, next-to-nothing diet. We will help design the perfect plan so that you can look and feel your best. Contact us today at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY and ask how you can learn more about our customized weight management plans. This journey is one you will never regret.