You’ve probably heard of the keto diet by now, and you may have even tried it for yourself. The thought behind this eating regimen is that your body will lose fat, gain steady energy throughout the day, reduce inflammation, and improve cognitive function by remaining in ketosis.
While this is certainly a trend, prolonged ketosis is not ideal for most people. However, short, intermittent bursts can be helpful, which allows your body to learn how to burn fat for energy. In this process, you endogenously produce ketones from your own fat, supplying energy for your brain, heart, and more.
But did you know you can actually take exogenous (or not internally produced) ketone supplements to help your body go into ketosis? These are ketone esters! So, let’s talk about what they are and how they can help you with your fitness goals.
What are ketone esters?
First, we should define what ketones are. They are chemicals made in the liver, and your body produces them when you don’t have enough exogenous dietary glucose (glucose from your food) or stored glycogen to turn into energy. In this prolonged calorie restricted state, you use fat stores instead. Your liver turns this fat into ketones and sends them into the bloodstream so muscles, brain, and other tissues can use it for fuel.
An ester is a compound that reacts with water to produce alcohols and organic or inorganic acids. A ketone ester is formed when an alcohol molecule binds to a ketone body. Ketone esters contain more beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is one of three ketone bodies humans produce. BHB is the main ketone-based fuel source.
To increase the ketone levels in your body, you can use ketone ester drops, pills, drink a small bottle of the solution, or have a lovely ketone ester sparkling water (our favorite, and soon to be sold in our Regenavita shop, along with bottles of pure ketone esters!).
What are the benefits of taking this supplement?
So why would you want to incorporate ketone esters into your health journey? There are plenty of benefits, such as:
Curb Carb Cravings
If you’re on a low-carb diet but you find yourself craving carbs, take 1 or 2 teaspoons of ketone esters. Ketone Esters supply the brain directly with the fuel that it needs. Research shows that consuming these supplements lowers human ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and appetite. Since the esters lower this hormone, it would suggest that consuming them would reduce food consumption!
Increase Endurance
You’re probably wondering how these supplements would be able to improve physical performance. Using ketone esters can increase the use of fat during exercise and preserve glycogen reserves until later in the workout. They are also known to lower blood lactic acid, which builds up during exercise as a result of burning carbs at a high rate without enough oxygen.
Improve Muscle Recovery
Ketone esters can help with muscle recovery after exercising. They increase the rate of energy store replenishment in the body and support the process of rebuilding muscles. They also decrease the amount of muscle breakdown.
Enhance Cognitive Function
Studies have shown that with the use of these supplements, cognitive function may improve, especially after exercise. Ketones are known for being ideal fuel for the brain in general and specifically when food sources, notably carbs, are limited. They can also increase the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that supports existing neurons and helps grow new ones.
Improve Medical Conditions
Some research demonstrates that using ketone esters can actually suppress the expression of an inflammatory pathway that is linked to several diseases, including arthritis. They can also possibly aid in reducing seizure activity in patients with epilepsy, reversing early neuronal hyperactivity in Alzheimers and dementia patients, and reducing anxiety.
Ketone esters may be the supplement you’ve been wanting to add to your daily routine. In combination with a healthy diet and exercise regime, you may be able to lose weight and feel better! To talk about whether adding ketone esters would benefit your lifestyle, reach out to us and set up an appointment to discuss your health goals!