If you have been faced with seemingly endless bouts of fatigue, forgetfulness, headaches, unexplained or abnormal weight fluctuations, depression, coldness, and constipation, you may be undergoing the symptoms related to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Thankfully, our team in Louisville can get you started on the journey to feeling better with detailed thyroid testing.
Hypothyroidism is the underproduction of thyroid hormones, while hyperthyroidism includes overproduction. These thyroid hormone imbalances may cause an array of problematic symptoms that interrupt living your best possible life.
These symptoms may have been misdiagnosed previously, forcing you or your loved ones to merely live with the symptoms and try to treat them accordingly. It may help knowing that you are not alone, as it is highly common for thyroid problems to be misdiagnosed and for a patient’s concerns to be brushed aside. A misdiagnosis often happens due to their difficulty in spotting the less-glaring of symptoms, and some physicians are unwilling to listen.
Fortunately, there is still hope in diagnosing and understanding your possible thyroid condition. Great strides have been made with regard to testing technology, which is likely to give relief to those in Louisville who are seeking answers and solutions. Receiving detailed thyroid testing will better assist you in finding a cause for the less-obvious symptoms you experience while ensuring that every possible thyroid function is thoroughly checked before ruling anything out.
If you are looking for validation to coincide with your suspected thyroid condition, there are a few reasons why detailed thyroid testing in Louisville may benefit you. Thyroid conditions are sometimes difficult to diagnose. Our bodies function at differing capacities throughout the day. Not knowing how your body’s hormone levels will be during one time of the day versus the next may make a difference in how your levels will show during the test. A detailed test will ensure that all thyroid levels are thoroughly investigated, leaving zero ability for an abnormally low or abnormally high hormone level to sneak by.
Trauma or stress may be part of your possible thyroid problem. Studies have shown that our thyroid may behave differently depending on what we are experiencing within our personal lives. If you have undergone recent psychological or emotional difficulties, your body may be reacting in a way that is meant to help protect you and your well-being. Typical thyroid testing may miss this aspect of your test all together and not bother looking for the levels associated with all of life’s stressors. This isn’t the case with detailed thyroid testing.
Maintaining thyroid health is crucial to your mental and physical well-being. If you suspect that you have abnormal thyroid levels, consider detailed thyroid testing at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more.