Your Partner in Optimum Health!

The Medical Transformation Center Approach

We combine the latest scientific advances with a personalized approach to reach your unique wellness goals.

Your Partner in Optimum Health

Everyone has their own unique health journey, so no two treatments or health plans should look the same. They should be tailored specifically to you and your characteristics, and that’s what we believe.

That’s why we specialize in personalized cellular and regenerative medicine, where medical decisions are formed with your uniqueness in mind, incorporating the most innovative medical care available.

Typically, many practitioners take a one-size-fits-all or symptoms-based approach. However, here at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY, we achieve the best healthcare outcomes by drawing upon our 30+ years of clinical experience in traditional medicine and combining it with the newest scientific advancements to offer you cutting-edge, individualized treatment plans.

Contact us to transform your life today!

What Makes MTC Unique?

We make sure every person receives care designed for their body, their needs, and their goals.

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Backed by Over 30 Years of Clinical Experience in Traditional Medicine

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Highly-Specialized Team, Including: Doctor, ARNPs, RNs, Lifestyle Coach & More

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Trained in Interpreting Detailed Genomic and Epigenetic Testing

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Trained by and Involved in the A4M, Renowned Authority on Integrative and Personalized Medicine

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In-Office Lab, IVs and Other Procedures

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Up-to-Date Formation in the Newest Regenerative Approaches, Many of Which Are Offered In-Office

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Curated, Highest-Quality Supplement Line, Regenavita

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Background in Nutritional and Metabolic Medicine

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Founded by a Respected Expert and Lecturer in Cellular Medicine

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Advanced, Cutting-Edge Diagnostics

What Is the MTC Approach?

Are you ready for a partner that collaborates with you to move towards your unique health goals? Would you like to optimize your cognitive or physical performance, aging, energy, vitality, muscle density, lean body mass, weight loss, or weight management? Or, do you need help addressing specific concerns related to certain diseases or conditions?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you should look into the personalized cellular and regenerative medicine at Medical Transformation Center, where we take the newest medical advances and translate them into our practice and your life, from the smallest unit in your body up. At MTC, we seek to provide resources and pathways toward optimum health in a way that offers the most exceptional care possible, so that patients can have a greater opportunity for longevity and quality of life.

We have our original roots in traditional allopathic medicine, and those are tools we can absolutely draw on! Sometimes, they are the right answer. Other times, our team relies on newer advances in medical science, like regenerative, cellular, and anti-aging medicine, nutritional and metabolic medicine, genomics and epigenetic analysis, or personalized and integrative medicine. In fact, we don’t have to choose either/or! Taking into account the multi-factorial nature of health states, our specialists often make use of this diverse toolkit of evidence-based techniques to fashion a hybrid approach that addresses your unique wellness concerns and goals.

This well-rounded and whole-person lens allows us to explore the roots, or underlying causes, of any condition, difficulty, or quest for optimization via in-depth diagnostics and inquiry, evaluating environment, genetics, lifestyle, and more.

For instance, our team can identify whether you have a predisposition to a particular condition or arrive at an elusive diagnosis. We look at different genotypes and see if you have any susceptibilities, giving us clues that we can use to affect change via epigenetic factors. We can also employ genomic testing to determine what medicine, supplementation, diet, lifestyle, and other elements would work best for your peak function.

Our providers are also able to bring more cellular and regenerative approaches to their patients, delivering the most forward-thinking treatments for healthy aging, optimization, longevity, and restorative care. For example, Dr. Paige has recently trained his team on stem cell and other new therapies, which apply regenerative innovations to cardio, vascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neurological health.

This allows us to offer cutting-edge cosmetic procedures that harness the power of your own stem cells to gain volume in the face and other areas, as opposed to artificial fillers, repairing tissue at a cellular level. These same mechanisms can also be used to support sexual health, feeling, and performance in men and women. We also provide a unique combination of nutrition, peptide, supplementation, and IV therapy to enhance post-op recovery for required and elective surgeries, in addition to more everyday recovery and prevention before important trips, sports events, exercise, or recreational events.

What Are the Benefits of Cellular Medicine?

Cellular medicine analyzes lifestyle, genetic, and other factors to explain the underlying mechanisms and origins of disease states, seeking to strengthen and support individual cells, aiding the whole body, from its most basic unit up.

Each cell has specialized roles, and over time or due to certain environmental or other conditions, cells lose the ability to function properly. In cellular medicine, we try to support the cell to return to its optimal function by helping it at a physiological level take energy from the environment, burn it efficiently, and then be able to produce what a particular cell is supposed to be able to produce for your body.

In cellular medicine, we work with many complex pathways in the body and specialized things like peptides, lifestyle, and nutritional modification to really allow the body to tell those cells to return back to optimal function, and as a result, that can help with many of the chronic and acute problems that we develop over time.

Our goal is to use the tools that we have to help you by aiding your cells in achieving optimum performance. How do we help the cell achieve what it was meant to do in the first place? Dr. Paige explains in our video, “What is cellular medicine?”

Who Is a Good Candidate for the MTC Approach?

If you are looking for a whole-person treatment plan that not only manages various aspects of your health, but then seeks to help you achieve your best possible functioning, our personalized cellular and regenerative approach could provide you with a powerful solution. Through cellular medicine, we understand and treat illness at the cellular level — harnessing the power of your cells to help your body heal. With regenerative medicine, our specialists look at ways to support and encourage your body to heal and rejuvenate using its natural mechanisms (with a little help from science, of course).

We create an innovative Personal Transformation Plan for you to help you achieve wellness and functioning beyond what you could have imagined. Listen to Dr. Paige explain who may be a good candidate for cellular medicine in the video below!

What Can I Expect When Partnering With
Medical Transformation Center?

At MTC, we offer powerful tools and frameworks. However, the Personal Transformation Plan that we co-create requires full collaboration on both sides — we are here to help you every step of the way, and you must be ready to commit to your optimal wellness. Our co-founder, Terri Paige, explains more about what it’s like to collaborate with MTC on your optimized wellness in the video below.

Why Should You Choose Medical Transformation Center?

Medical Transformation Center is a regional hub of innovation advancing optimal health. We bring you the newest breakthroughs in health technology to help maximize your energy and strength, treat and prevent disease, and extend your health span. Our cutting-edge products and services deliver the most advanced optimal aging, regenerative, and restorative care to our patients.

Led by industry pioneers Dr. Carl Paige and Terri Paige, Co-Founders, our team of transformation experts are shaping the future of medicine. Because optimum health requires constant innovation, continual learning, and new understanding, Dr. Paige and his team continue enriching their knowledge, participating in the Cellular and Regenerative Care scientific community. They offer you the finest care and elevate you to your best personal health!

Our new state-of-the-art center offers the latest in advanced diagnostics, cellular medicine, regenerative care and an integrative, personalized approach to encourage healing and recovery from the cellular level to your whole lifestyle.

Are you interested in personalized cellular and regenerative medicine? Contact us at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY, and start your wellness journey today!

For more information and to reserve your place, please contact our office at 502-443-9962, stop by during Office Hours (Tuesday – Friday 8:30AM to 5:00PM) or use our contact form!

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