If you feel tired all the time and like you can’t do anything without needing to sit down and rest, then you might suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. This feeling will often linger for a while until you are able to get the help that you need to feel rested. Sometimes, there are underlying conditions that can cause chronic fatigue. Fortunately, you do have options available that can help to give you back the life that you desire that is full of energy.
When you have chronic fatigue syndrome, it’s a feeling that’s more than just being tired after working all day. It’s more than not sleeping well at night. This is a feeling that goes on and on and often limits what you can do during the day. Simple tasks like cooking or cleaning the house and taking care of the kids can be exhausting. The first step to feel rested is to seek the assistance of a doctor who will listen to your concerns and the symptoms that you have so that a treatment plan can be put in place.
One of the things about chronic fatigue is that you won’t feel sleepy. Your body will feel like it’s exhausted. It sometimes feels like you have the flu or you have another illness that takes all of your energy away. You might experience feelings of fatigue right after you get up in the morning after trying to sleep at night. After making a meal, cleaning your house, or running errands, you will usually feel like you just need to sit down and rest.
Some of the reasons behind chronic fatigue include depression, anemia, caffeine, a poor diet, or heart conditions that haven’t been diagnosed. Once you determine why you’re fatigued, then you need to work on those issues so that they can be treated instead of trying to find ways to stay awake during the day. When you get a grasp of the causes, you can get the right treatment with the help of our doctor.
Reach out to Dr. Paige and the team at Medical Transformation Center to discuss ways to diagnose underlying issues so that you can feel rested from chronic fatigue. We would be more than happy to evaluate your case. Contact us today to schedule your consultation at our office in Louisville, KY!