Evidence is piling up to suggest that our lifestyle habits can greatly reduce our risk of cognitive decline as we age. Whether you’re someone just entering your twenties or in your twilight years, it’s never too late or too early to incorporate healthy changes into your life and start reaping the benefits for both your brain and body.
Consider these 10 suggestions when looking at ways to boost your brain health for a lifetime.
- Engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, like brisk walking, most days of the week. Exercise has been shown to enhance brain function and lower the risk of dementia.
- Formal education at any stage of life can significantly mitigate the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. For instance, enrolling in a class at a local college, or community center, or pursuing online education can be highly beneficial. Some ideas include learning a new language or learning a new skill such as an instrument. You’re never too old to learn something new!
- Stop smoking! We all know that smoking is bad for your health, but few people are aware that smoking also increases risk of cognitive decline. There are many approaches and resources out there. There is one that can help you quit. Please reach out to your local health partner or us here to learn more.
- Research indicates that risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes have a detrimental effect on cognitive health, as well as increasing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease and stroke. By prioritizing cardiovascular well-being, there is potential for positive effects on brain health. So, if you are experiencing any of these or are at risk for them, consider looking at your lifestyle and diet (see below) to insulate yourself against the development or progression of these conditions.
- To support brain health, embrace a diet rich in lean protein, healthy fats, seasonal vegetables, some fruit and whole grains, and sparse amounts of red meat and dairy. Limiting the consumption of processed foods and sugary drinks and opting for nutrient-dense options is a good overall approach too. To learn more about a Paleo-Mediterranean diet and what clean eating can do for you, click here.
- Insufficient sleep caused by conditions such as insomnia or sleep apnea can lead to issues concerning memory and cognitive function. If you suffer from insufficient sleep, talk to your healthcare provider about sleep study options, as well as supplements or routines that could support your sleep hygiene.
- Maintaining a strong social network is crucial for your mental well-being. Regular interactions with others can lower your risk of dementia and result in decreased stress levels, improved mood, and stronger relationships.
- Engage in activities that challenge your brain such as reading or solving puzzles. Keeping your brain active can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of dementia. Replace mindless TV with things like documentaries, or creative programs that stimulate your brain in a positive way. Avoid things that needlessly evoke your stress response.
- Chronic stress can harm brain function and increase the risk of dementia. Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to help manage your stress levels.
- Proper supplements can also play an important role in keeping your brain healthy. Regenavita supplements for cognitive health are formulated to maximize brain function, fostering health, cognition, mood, and memory. These products are best for anyone who wants to optimize cognitive processes, supplying the building blocks for brain phospholipids, and key structural components of neuron synapses, and is designed to facilitate multiple facets of brain health, like cellular energy production, mitochondrial functioning, and antioxidant protection. Click here to view the recommended products.
Ultimately, we believe that the best way to protect yourself from changes and deterioration in your cognitive abilities is to seek out a personalized and integrative cellular & regenerative medicine specialist. Take control of your life today by contacting us for an appointment and discovering a healthier future!