If you are experiencing changes in your weight, vision problems, or increased sensitivity to shifts in temperature, you might have a thyroid problem. Instead of ignoring these early warning signs, you should schedule an appointment at the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY. We can use a variety of techniques to address your thyroid problems and improve your health.
What Are Early Warning Signs of Thyroid Problems?
Your thyroid is a small gland that produces hormones. Under some circumstances, this gland may begin to produce too many thyroid hormones. This issue is called hyperthyroidism. In contrast, this gland will produce an insufficient amount of hormones if you develop hypothyroidism. There are several early warning signs that may indicate that you have developed one of these thyroid issues.
If you are experiencing these problems, you should schedule a thyroid test at our office in Louisville. After we diagnose your problem, we can recommend medications and other treatments that will relieve your symptoms and enhance your health.
Digestive Challenges
If you develop hyperthyroidism, you may have very loose stools. Alternatively, hypothyroidism can cause you to experience constipation issues.
Mood Issues
In addition to causing negative physical symptoms, thyroid problems can lead to mood issues. If your thyroid makes excessive amounts of hormones, you might become very angry or frustrated. In addition, you might develop anxiety about your career, relationships, and other aspects of your life. These emotional challenges prevent you from getting along with your colleagues and relatives.
Unexplained Weight Fluctuations
If your thyroid does not produce enough hormones, your metabolism could become slower. This change may cause you to quickly gain a large amount of weight. If hormone deficiencies are causing you to gain weight, you may have difficulty shedding these extra pounds with diet and exercise changes.
Alternatively, hyperthyroidism could speed up your metabolism and cause you to lose weight. When you begin to lose weight, you might feel happy about these unexcepted changes in your figure. However, your changing physique may be a warning sign that you have a thyroid issue or other significant health condition. Visiting our office is a good way to diagnose these problems and receive treatment for your health condition.
Skin Problems
If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, your skin may become dry. If you have hyperthyroidism, your skin may become moist and oily.
Difficulty Dealing With Temperature Changes
If you are struggling to adjust to changes in temperature, you may be suffering from a thyroid problem. If your thyroid does not make enough hormones, you might have difficulty handling colder temperatures. For example, you might feel very cold when you go outside during the winter. In addition, you might have to turn up the heat in your home and wear jackets when you are inside. It’s also common for your feet and hands to become cold.
When your thyroid gland is too active, you might have difficulty enduring hot weather. For example, you might sweat when you are in relatively mild climates. In addition, you might turn on the air conditioner in your home and experience hot flashes.
Changes in Your Vision
Thyroid problems can negatively affect your vision. Over time, your eyes can become watery, dry, or red. In addition, you may have difficulty closing your eyelids, develop bulging eyes, and experience other vision issues.
Hair Loss
Hyperthyroidism can cause you to develop hair loss. If you have this health condition, you might lose a large amount of hair when you take a shower or brush your hair. Further, your hair may appear to be thinner when you look at yourself in the mirror.
Memory Problems
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can harm your memory. If you have either of these health issues, you might be unable to focus on challenging work projects and other tasks. In addition, you might have difficulty following instructions, remembering people’s names, and keeping track of your personal belongings.
Lumps and Nodules
If you have a thyroid issue, you might notice lumps or nodules appearing on your neck. This problem can be a warning sign that you have thyroid cancer. If you feel a lump on your neck, you should address this issue by setting up an appointment with a healthcare professional.
Why Have I Developed a Thyroid Problem?
Although you can develop a thyroid issue at any point in your life, there are certain characteristics that will increase your risk of experiencing this health condition.
Your Genes
Your genetic background can affect the functionality of your thyroid gland. If your parents or other close relatives had hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or other thyroid problems, you will be more likely to experience similar health issues during your lifetime.
Your General Health
You will be more likely to experience thyroid issues if you have certain health conditions. For example, developing type 1 or type 2 diabetes will heighten your risk of experiencing thyroid issues. In addition, pernicious anemia, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis can increase your chance of developing thyroid issues. If you have any of these health conditions, you should think about receiving regular tests to monitor the functionality of your thyroid gland.
Your Medications
Some prescription medications may affect your risk of developing a thyroid problem. For example, you may develop hypothyroidism if you are taking lithium to manage a psychiatric illness.
Other Factors
If you are over the age of 60, you will be more likely to develop a thyroid issue. In addition, you will have a higher risk of experiencing this hormonal issue if you are female.
What Techniques Can I Use To Diagnose My Thyroid Issues?
If you have lost or gained a large amount of weight, have tremors, or are experiencing any of the other symptoms described above, you should schedule an appointment at our office in Louisville. During our meeting, we can use a variety of comfortable, easy methods to diagnose your thyroid issue.
Receiving a Blood Test
If we believe that a thyroid problem is causing you to experience physical problems or other symptoms, we will probably advise you to receive a blood test. It will only take us a couple of minutes to take a small sample of your blood, and you will feel very relaxed during your blood draw. We will use this sample to analyze your antibodies and hormones.
Getting an Ultrasound Test
We can use an ultrasound device to diagnose thyroid issues in a gentle, non-invasive manner. After we have applied a gel onto your neck, we will gently move a small probe over the surface of your skin. We will use this probe to assess the condition of your thyroid gland.
Receiving a Physical Examination
When you have your initial meeting with us, we will carefully analyze your neck. During this physical examination, we will search for growths that may be affecting the functionality of your thyroid gland.
What Methods Can I Use To Address My Thyroid Issues?
If we diagnose you with hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or another type of thyroid issue, we will create a customized treatment plan for you.
Treating Hyperthyroidism

If your thyroid gland is producing excessive hormones, we may advise you to control this health problem by taking medications or receiving radiation treatments. The treatments will decrease the number of hormones that your thyroid gland produces. In addition, we may recommend medications that can provide relief from your negative symptoms. We definitely recommend using RegenaThyroidSupport to fully support thyroid health. This blend of botanicals and nutrients will assist with thyroid health.
Under some circumstances, you might need to receive a medical procedure that will eliminate your thyroid gland. After this gland has been removed, your thyroid hormones will decrease. To prevent you from developing symptoms of hypothyroidism, you will be required to take medications that will raise your hormone levels.
Treating Hypothyroidism
If your hormone levels are too low, we will probably advise you to use synthetic hormones to correct this issue. Fixing this hormonal issue can be a good way to stabilize your weight and improve your other symptoms.
Can Pregnancy Cause Me To Develop Thyroid Issues?
You may develop an illness called postpartum thyroiditis after you give birth. During the next 12 months, you might experience weight loss, develop an increased sensitivity to heat, and suffer from other health issues. The symptoms of postpartum thyroiditis may resemble the health issues that are associated with hyperthyroidism.
Unfortunately, some healthcare providers may misdiagnose this problem. For example, your healthcare provider might believe that a postpartum mood disorder is causing you to experience these negative symptoms. If you receive a misdiagnosis and do not treat your postpartum thyroiditis, you might develop other health issues. If you are experiencing symptoms of this illness, you should visit our office in Louisville for thyroid testing.
Treat Your Thyroid Issues
Experiencing unexplained changes in your weight, mood issues, and sensitivities to changing temperatures can be early warning signs that you have developed a thyroid problem. We can use medications and other methods to treat your thyroid issue and improve your health. If you would like to treat your thyroid problems, contact us at the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY to schedule an initial consultation.