More than 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, yet 1 in 4 are unaware they have it. Over 84 million American adults have prediabetes, with 90% not knowing they have it. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States with type 2 accounting for 90 – 95% of fatalities. In the last 20 years, these figures have more than tripled due to our aging population and expanding waistlines. As daunting as these statistics may be, there’s hope and reassurance whether you’re on the cusp or have already developed type 2 diabetes. Conducting your diabetes risk assessment in Louisville has never been easier or more comfortable than with the experts at the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY.
Risk Factors & Complications
The first step in diabetes management and care is knowing your risk factors. If any of the following applies to you, please consult with diabetes risk assessment in Louisville to get a proper diagnosis.
- Overweight, obese, or a BMI greater than 25
- 45 years and older
- A family history of diabetes
- High blood pressure
- A history of heart disease or stroke
- Having had gestational diabetes while pregnant
Understanding the complications that can arise from living with diabetes will motivate you to take the proper steps in avoiding and eliminating them.
- Twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke and at an earlier age
- Leading cause of kidney failure, adult on-set blindness, and lower limb amputation
- If you smoke the risk for these complications are higher
- Medical costs are twice as high
You’re also at higher risk if you’re African American, Native American or Alaska Native, Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino, and some Asian Americans. Knowing your risk factors gives you the power to intervene in your health and take control. Along with your knowledge and determination paired with the experts for diabetes risk assessment in Louisville, you can implement the necessary changes to gain back your health.
Preventative Care
Having high-risk factors or being diagnosed with prediabetes doesn’t have to be a life sentence of poor health or a bleak future. There are preventative steps and lifestyle changes you can implement for your health and well-being. If your weight is a factor, small goals such as losing 5 – 7% of your starting weight is a good jumpstart. Start with gradually changing your eating habits. Eating smaller portions and incorporating more whole, nutritious foods into your diet is a great start. Cut out sugary drinks and drink ample amounts of water throughout the day.
Physical activity is equally important. Whether you’re completely sedentary or somewhat active, aim for 30 minutes of physical activity per day, five times a week. Strive for lifestyle changes that will work for you in the long term.
Call For Your Diabetes Risk Assessment in Louisville, KY
Your health is not only important to you, but to your loved ones as well. We all want to live long, active, healthy lives. If you suspect you are prediabetic or at risk for type 2 diabetes, please call the experts at the Medical Transformation Center for your diabetes risk assessment in Louisville KY today!