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Frequently Asked Questions About Functional Medicine in Louisville, Kentucky

January 28, 2019

At Medical Transformation Center, we believe that functional medicine is the future of optimal health and wellness. If you’ve never heard about this integrated treatment approach, you’re probably wondering what it’s all about. During an initial consultation, we would be more than happy to provide answers to any of the questions you may have about functional medicine in Louisville, Kentucky.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine utilizes a biology-based approach to identify and address the root cause of a health problem. It’s a patient-centered and health-focused partnership in which patients and healthcare practitioners work together to investigate the causes of a disease and to find ways to reverse them. Functional medicine practitioners examine the patient, their unique history, their lifestyle, the environment they live in and other underlying factors and then attempt to develop a drug-free plan to help restore and improve the patient’s health.

What Health Problems Does Functional Medicine Address?

This form of medicine can effectively treat a number of both chronic and acute health problems. These include metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal problems, musculoskeletal pain, reproductive and fertility issues, neurological disorders, autoimmune diseases, cravings and addictions, and respiratory challenges.

What are the Advantages?

Nowadays, many patients prefer functional medicine over traditional medical treatments for a number of reasons. While a traditional medical treatment concentrates more on the diagnosis of a disease, a functional treatment digs deeper to find many possible causes of your health problem. Rather than prescribing medications to treat health problems, this form of medication utilizes a combination of multiple treatment solutions. These can include the use of nutritional supplements, dietary guidance, weight loss management programs, exercise support programs, physical therapy, stress management techniques, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and lifestyle coaching.

Who is the Right Candidate for Functional Medicine?

The right candidates for functional medicine in Louisville, Kentucky are patients who are ready to work with their healthcare practitioners to set both short-term and long-term goals before, during and after their treatment programs. Functional medicine is generally safe for most patients. During your consultation, our practitioner will evaluate your individual situation to determine whether you are the right candidate for this treatment approach.

Reach out to our team at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, Kentucky to schedule your initial consultation and learn more about this exciting form of medicine. Contact us today to book your appointment!

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