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Learn How to Increase Energy Levels and Feel Better

February 16, 2023

Everyone has felt like they’re trudging through the day. But if this starts to become a regular occurrence, you may want to look into how to increase energy levels in order to feel better physically and mentally. So if this sounds like you, you’re in the right place! We want to share some of the best ways you can increase energy and start to feel more like yourself.

Receive IV Nutrient Therapy

A quick and easy way to jumpstart your energy levels is to get IV Nutrient Therapy. At Medical Transformation Center, we offer this therapy for anyone, and we have all kinds of infusion formulas for a variety of ailments. But if you’re not as energetic as you’d like to be, TransformEnergy would be the best one for you. This formula is designed to kickstart your metabolism and give you the energy you’re searching for.

Incorporate RegenaNOxPlus

If you’re wondering how to increase energy levels and ensure your cardiovascular system is at optimum working capacity, you should consider RegenaNOxPlus. This supplement powder is fortified with antioxidants to support your cardiovascular system by regulating blood clotting, blood vessel dilation, and circulation. These functions, when working properly, also increase your energy levels, which makes our formula a great choice if you’re feeling sluggish.

Take RegenaMitochondrialLife

RegenaMitochondrialLife supplement for low energy levels

Another supplement that can help increase energy levels is RegenaMitochondrialLife. Our blend of nutrients and vitamins supports efficient mitochondrial functioning in every cell of your body. When these tiny cells are functioning properly, then the rest of your body will follow suit, resulting in higher energy levels and feeling better overall.

Get More Sleep

Of course, there are a few other practices you can incorporate to replenish your energy, and that includes getting more sleep. Most adults aren’t getting enough sleep. They should aim for 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted slumber per night, but many of us are getting less than that. Encouraging sleep can be as simple as looking at your sleep hygiene. Do you have a routine conducive to sleep? Create a relaxing bedtime routine that possibly includes soothing music, reading a book, or massaging your body is a good place to start. If you are getting up at night to use the restroom, you could consider coming in for Emsella Treatment, which helps with incontinence, urgency, and frequency. If you’re having difficulty falling asleep, look at your activities and diet throughout the day and especially the few hours before bed. You’ll want to avoid stimulants like caffeine and turn off electronics at least 1 hour before going to sleep to calm your mind and eyes. Sleep is essential for optimal health, so you should prioritize it!

Increase Your Movement

While it may seem counterintuitive, moving your body more is a great way to increase your energy levels and feel better physically and mentally. Exercise actually delivers oxygen to your tissues and makes your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. So when your heart and lungs are working better, you’ll find that you have more energy! This can also help reduce your perception of and reaction to stressors, another thing that can zap your energy and affect your cognitive and physical performance.

Eat a Whole Food Diet

What you put in your body matters. When it comes to how you feel and increasing energy levels, you should consider your diet. Most people find that eliminating processed foods and switching to a whole food diet (as with the Paleo-Mediterranean diet, one of our favorites) helps them gain energy back and feel better overall. So swap out the processed items for a variety of vegetables and lean proteins, and you’ll start feeling the effects pretty quickly!

You don’t have to continue dragging through the day. By changing some of your habits into healthier ones and incorporating our personalized medicine expertise, your energy levels will start to increase! Want to know more about how we can help you reach your goals? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to start a Personal Transformation Plan made just for you!

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