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Weight Loss for Men: Dietary Guidance

December 1, 2021

Weight loss is possible with the right strategy, support, and implementation. What complicates it is the number of “fad” diets and unhealthy lifestyle choices we make each day. Weight loss for men is so much more than a number on the scale: it’s about quality of life. At the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY, it’s in our name. Transformation is our goal, and we offer the support and accountability necessary to make it happen.

Weight Loss for Men: Lose It and Keep It Off

For many men, losing weight isn’t the challenge; it’s keeping the weight off without having to worry about putting it back on.

Everywhere you look, there’s some type of crash diet, weight loss strategy, or bizarre meal plan that claims to have the key to success. In reality, it’s much simpler than that. By following a strict dietary plan and changing your lifestyle at its foundation, you’re able to drop the weight and keep it off for good.

Dietary Guidance

Nutrition is one of the most critical areas of your life to look towards. A proper diet will not only help with weight loss for men, but it will increase your vitality and your overall quality of life.

What we put in our bodies is important, and we need to think of food as fuel rather than satisfaction. As a culture, we’ve become consumed by the fact that everything we eat needs sugar, but that’s not always the case.

With the proper dietary guidance, we can get you on track with a diet that not only tastes great but also provides you with the necessary protein, carbohydrates, and fat that you need to move through your busy life.

Supplementation Planning

A huge issue we face is that our process of manufacturing, shipping, and preparing foods sucks a lot of the dietary value out of our food. The end result is a lifeless shell of what was once a nutritious and healthy meal. Sometimes the only way to fix this is with a supplementation plan. The problem is, you can’t go at it blindly. The last thing you want to do is go to the supplement aisle at your local pharmacy and start pulling bottles off the shelf. You need a strategy.

We have exceptional supplement partners and the highest quality supplements that will prevent future illness and get you out of a deficiency state where your body is craving more vitamins and nutrients.

By doing this, you’re not only improving your overall health, but you’re getting more out of your meals, so you stay full longer and feel more satisfied throughout the day.

Weight Management

Weight loss for men is all about knowing what to eat and when to eat it. You need someone to take the guesswork out of it, and that’s what we do. We provide you with a turnkey system that combines all the essential proteins, fibers, and detoxification foods to keep your gut healthy and your stomach feeling full longer.

This point is often the reason why many men can’t keep the weight off once they lose it. Once the motivation disappears, which it will, it’s harder to keep making the right choices.

You need a blueprint to turn to when you’re thinking about making a poor decision. It’s also crucial that you have a plan when you get busy or are in a rush and thinking about going through a drive-thru or grabbing a quick snack.

Exercise and Support

As human beings, we’re built to move, and when we don’t have proper exercise, our health and wellbeing will slowly dissipate. Similar to our take on supplements, you can’t simply go into a gym and start lifting weights and running on treadmills; you need a strategy.

Without a proven plan for success, you’ll have a much harder time succeeding. Even more so, you’ll have a hard time keeping up the pace once the initial motivation wears off. Our uniquely tailored fitness program helps you increase your energy, improve your mood, support your weight, prevent disease, and sleep better.

When you combine all these factors with weight loss and success, imagine how great you’ll start to feel about yourself. Your confidence will come back; vitality will increase, libido may improve, and much more.

Lifestyle Changes

One area of weight loss for men where many people go wrong is using the word “diet” to describe the changes they need to make in their lives. Diet alone is never enough to manage your weight. While implementing a new diet may help you lose weight, it will not help you keep it off permanently. What you need is a calculated lifestyle change that slowly but steadily morphs you into a new person. This new person enjoys eating healthy, he enjoys exercise, and he enjoys feeling better.

But keep in mind, you can’t do this on your own. You need accountability, and we offer the services of a Certified Lifestyle Coach. We’ll be there when you have a craving, we’ll be there when you don’t feel like getting up early to go for a run, and we’ll be there to make sure you’re following through on your promises to yourself.

Our goal is to provide you with the education, motivation, and support you need to implement these changes until you don’t need us anymore. At some point, you’ll realize that you’re capable of going at it alone, and that’s because you built a solid foundation.

Practicing Mindful Eating

Emotional eating is the culprit of a lot of weight gain, and don’t think this only applies to people experiencing depression or anxiety. Emotional eating can hinder weight loss for men, even if you think you’re perfectly fine. Sometimes we eat when we’re low on energy. Towards the end of the workday, we might feel a little tired, so we turn to a candy bar, soda, or a bag of chips to give us the boost we need to finish out the day.

Some men may eat when they’re bored. You’re not sure what to do, so you walk into the kitchen and find something to do. Next thing you know, you’ve been sitting on the couch eating for an hour. Mindful eating is so important. If you’re feeling low on energy, don’t think that eating is the solution. Get up and go for a short walk, listen to some energizing music, and most importantly, drink more water.

If you feel bored or lonely, instead of reaching for some food, reach out to someone. See what your friends are doing, reach out to a family member, go play with a pet, take a walk, go to a public place to be around people, do anything other than eating. Make it a daily practice to control yourself when you’re not hungry, but you want to eat. Doing this will help you flip a switch in your brain, and eventually, you won’t have to think about it anymore.

Fill Up First

Remember that cutting calories doesn’t always mean eating less; it just means choosing the right things. Foods that are rich in fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and beans, are actually higher in volume, so they take longer to digest. The longer it takes, the longer you remain full.

We suggest filling up on vegetables and fruits before you even have a meal. This is why salads are an important part of your diet. Having a salad before a meal is a great way to cut down on your portion size and ultimately reduce your overall calorie intake. Never approach a mealtime hungry. It’s the opposite of what our parents always told us, but it’s one of the keys to weight loss.

Control Your Environment

Never forget that this is your weight loss journey, your goals, and your health at stake. You’re in charge of controlling your environment and surrounding yourself with people who will support your goals. Ensuring that only the proper foods are available to you is critical to your success. If you live in a home where sugary, greasy, and unhealthy foods are plentiful, it might be time to make some changes.

This reason is why it’s so important to have a support team to help you. Of course, you can’t tell others how to live in your home, but when you need to reach out to us for a little encouragement, we’re there. We’ll make sure you’re held accountable no matter what the circumstances are.

Even if you can’t control your environment entirely, there are still a few things that you can do. Cooking your own meals at home is an important place to start. Now you can control your portions and what ingredients go into the food. Serving yourself is another important factor. If you’re used to someone plating your food and setting it down on the table, that takes control out of your hands. Portion your own food and use small plates and bowls because it will make the portions appear larger.

Eat Breakfast

The jury is wide open on the importance of breakfast. What was once considered the most important meal of the day is now questioned by medical professionals all over the world. We believe that breakfast is an important part of weight loss because it comes after the longest fast of your day.

The goal is to never approach a meal hungry, so by eating a healthy breakfast that is rich in fiber, you’re setting your day off on the right foot by ensuring you don’t feel hungry until the afternoon.

Where many people misstep is in the choices, they make for breakfast. Stay away from refined sugars and grease. Go for whole-grain cereal, low-fat milk, fruits, and vegetables for breakfast. These contain the necessary fiber you need to stay full until lunch.

Keep Track of Everything

There are so many apps out there that make it easy for you to track your calories, weight loss, steps taken, miles walked, and so on. You need to track everything, so you know where you are in your journey and how far you have to go.

The best way to keep track is with a little help. Our team relies on an arsenal of dynamic programs that make losing weight an enjoyable process. As you go through this transformation, there will be many hurdles for you to overcome.

Keeping track of weight loss and calories puts a burden on your back that we can easily take for you. While you focus on your lifestyle goals, we’ll be here going through the motions for you.

Continue Pushing and Always Follow Up

We believe the most important thing for you to remember is that weight loss for men is a marathon and not a sprint. As a culture, we obsess with the scale and the numbers we see on it, but it’s so much more than that.

Weight loss comes with lifestyle changes, and the best way to implement these changes is with support, accountability, and passion. We’d be honored to help you through your journey. Contact the Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY, at 502-443-9962 to begin your adventure towards better health and vitality.

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