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What Does Genomic Testing Involve?

October 15, 2018

Genomic testing is a type of medical test that looks at changes in your chromosomes, genes, and different proteins in your body. Genomic tests can show if you are susceptible to get a particular condition or if you have a particular health condition. There are a number of tests that medical professionals are currently using, and many more are in the developmental stage.

A person volunteers to have genomic testing done. There are a lot of factors to weigh that will determine if this type of testing is right for you. When you decide to proceed with genomic testing, our medical professionals will make sure you know exactly what to expect. That way, there will be no surprises. During a consultation, you can ask whatever questions you may have.

In order to get the most out of genomic testing, it is important that a person understands the limitations of the test as well as any possible consequences that the test results could lead to. It’s also crucial for a patient to be forthcoming and honest with us so that we can accurately assess overall health.

Genomic testing has many potential benefits. For example, it can rule out a health condition and provide a person with a sense of relief. Or it may show that a person is susceptible to or already has a particular health condition.

Genomic testing has helped many individuals, and it could help you. It has left many people with a sense of peace of mind and given them a fuller picture of their health. To learn more information, simply contact us today at Medical Transformation Center and book an appointment at our office in Louisville, KY.

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