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Weight Management – Everything You Need to Know

June 18, 2018

Medical Transformation Center offers personalized weight management solutions to patients by understanding the unique characteristics of each patient and creating innovative, custom health solutions. We’re dedicated to helping clients experience health as vitality, and not merely the absence of disease. We adopt a proactive approach to health care, hence the invention of personalized medicine, where medical decisions and treatments are tailored to a patient’s specific characteristics to foster optimum health, wellness, and vitality.

Weight Management

Weight management techniques encompass long-term lifestyle strategies that promote healthy eating and daily physical activity. Effective weight management strategies consider not only weight loss, but also the maintenance of a healthy body weight.

Whether you want to lose weight, add weight or maintain your weight, it’s important to eat the right foods in ideal proportions and get enough exercise every day. As such, it may be helpful to:

  • Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) – an indicator of body fat – and see where it fits within the BMI categories.
  • Discuss weight management with a doctor and decide on a goal.
  • Score your current food intake and physical activity level. Inspecting your current habits will help you determine what changes you might make and what you are doing right.

Which Weight Management Plan is Right for You?

You want to develop lifestyle habits that will help you maintain your weight in a healthy range. A short-term on and off plan is not the answer to long-term weight management. Consider the key habits of people who have managed their weight successfully. These people are able to:

  • Fight off hunger with more filling foods
  • Focus on diet quality, not quantity
  • Avoid binge eating
  • Count calories
  • Plan meals in advance
  • Measure portions

Medical Weight Loss

Weight loss can be achieved either by eating fewer calories or by burning more calories through physical activity, preferably both. If you are looking for innovative and healthy solutions to manage your weight, then Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY is ready to help you. Contact us today to book a consultation and learn more about our health solutions.

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