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4 Interesting Benefits of Functional Medicine

February 25, 2019

Functional medicine is a relatively new practice that uses a different approach and model for preventing and managing complex and chronic illnesses. This practice finds the hidden causes of disease through patient practitioner engagement, which allows the practitioner to find the most effective treatment method for your illness. The following is just a snapshot of the interesting benefits that you can expect from this new method of medicine.

1. Personalized Focus

Functional medicine is a health approach in which the patient and the practitioner work together to find out the causes of a disease. In this practice, the healthcare provider examines your unique history, environment, lifestyle, and the underlying factors to develop a health-enhancing plan to restore you to good health.

2. Broad-Based

This form of medicine combines traditional medicine with multiple alternative treatment approaches. While this approach acknowledges the strengths of conventional medicine for severe illnesses, it also recognizes that this practice doesn’t have the tools to manage chronic conditions. Unlike conventional physicians, functional medicine practitioners tap into all the tools of healing to assist their patients’ recovery from chronic diseases. By combining multiple approaches and paying special attention to diet, exercise, nutrition, and the workings of the mind, this approach can provide you with the tools needed to attain sustainable wellness and vitality.

3. True Healthcare

Unlike the disease care model of conventional medicine, the functional approach provides with you a better approach to healthcare. Practitioners using this approach incorporate multiple factors, such as lifestyle, supplements, diet, stress reduction, exercise, and nutrition, to improve the functioning of your organs as a means of preventing illness and creating vibrant, sustainable health.

4. Focuses on the Underlying Causes

In the conventional treatment approach, healthcare practitioners try to make a diagnosis and then apply medicine for that specific diagnosis. However, in this new approach, practitioners are less concerned with making a diagnosis, but are more focused on the underlying dysfunctions or imbalances. The underlying causes are the mechanisms of a disease, which are often overlooked by the conventional treatment approach. Practitioners using the functional approach aim to address those underlying disease-causing mechanisms and ultimately offer you a long-lasting solution to your illness.

If you’re suffering from a chronic condition and you’re looking for functional medicine doctors, reach out to Medical Transformation Center as soon as possible. Our team in Louisville would be happy to help. Contact us today and book your appointment!

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