Exposure to mold can be dangerous. If you are only exposed for a short amount of time, you may be fine. However, if there is mold in your house, you could suffer from serious consequences. Today, our medical experts at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville, KY…
Health News
Lipid Panel in Louisville: What You Should Know
Over the years, the diseases that were known to affect older people are increasingly affecting the younger population. It is no longer rare to see individuals aged 30+ affected by heart diseases. At Medical Transformation Center, we can conduct an effective test for…
Lipid Panel Test in Louisville – Frequently Asked Questions
What is lipid panel testing? This is one of the questions many of our patients at Medical Transformation Center have been asking. Since we have been performing advanced lipid panel test services in Louisville, we’ve provided the best answers for some frequently asked…
Things to Know About a Lipid Panel
At Medical Transformation Center, we perform advanced lipid particle testing to determine patient risk for cardiovascular disease. A lipid panel measures the levels of a variety of specific lipids found in the blood. This FAQ is designed to help you determine if you…
How Exercise Support in Louisville Can Benefit You
If you are on a mission to start losing weight, you need to be sure that you do everything that you can to lose it in a safe way. There are many people in Louisville who make the mistake of pushing themselves as hard as they possibly can in the beginning stages of a…
The Purpose of Advanced Lipid Particle Testing
Most people do not think about testing their lipid levels until their doctor tells them that they need to test their lipid levels in connection with treatment to keep their cholesterol under control. There are many benefits to advanced lipid particle testing. One of…
February Heart Health: Innovations in medicine aid in prevention and early detection of heart disease through genetic testing
About 600,000 people die of cardiovascular disease in the United States every year — one in every four deaths — and it is the leading cause of death for both men and women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Functional medicine has made…
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