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Concerned About Diabetes? Consider a Risk Assessment in Louisville

May 7, 2018

So many people in Louisville living with debilitating and potentially life-threatening diseases are not diagnosed until the disease has progressed to the point of no return. While some diseases are somewhat less life-threatening than others, if you are experiencing symptoms of diabetes, you would be wise to get them checked out. Our bodies produce insulin through our pancreas, which, in turn, helps us to process and digest food properly before turning the food to energy for us to use. However, if our bodies are producing too much or too little of insulin, it can cause catastrophic symptoms and lead to issues such as amputation or even death.

Diabetes is one of those diseases where the symptoms are not frequent enough in the beginning to be too worried about. Your bursts of hunger or excessive thirst may easily be explained away by a day filled with yard work in the hot sun, or even acknowledging that you should probably drink more water. Unfortunately, ignoring these symptoms, especially if they are combined with additional indicators of potential diabetes, may lead to issues later in your life.

Additional symptoms of diabetes may include very dry skin, weight loss or weight gain that you cannot explain, infections, difficulty with wounds healing, changes in your vision, fatigue, frequent urination, or a feeling of tingling and numbness in your hands or feet. The risks for you having diabetes increase significantly if you are also battling with your weight, in addition to having a family history of the disease. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and have family members living with the disease, you may be interested in receiving a diabetes risk assessment in Louisville.

Measuring your risk will help you to know whether or not your symptoms are anything worth worrying too much about. No one likes being accused of being dramatic or crazy or feeling like they are making a mountain out of a molehill. Consequently, we are likely to ignore our symptoms much of the time if that means we appear to have our lives together. Risk assessments will help validate what you already knew about yourself and your symptoms.

Sometimes risk assessments may contribute to a diagnosis that can change your life for the better. No one wants to receive a diagnosis, but we cannot treat or cure what we do not know about. Learning about what factors may be associated with an increased risk for you may lead to a significant increase in your quality of life.

Get in touch with us at Medical Transformation Center in Louisville to get started. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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