While Emsella has been a revolutionary solution for women to help them regain pelvic floor strength after pregnancy or during the aging process, women are not the only ones who can benefit from this industry-leading technology. BTL EMSELLA™ can be used to help treat many men’s issues from frequent urination and incontinence to erectile dysfunction.
At Medical Transformation Center, we love transforming lives by finding personalized solutions for everyone who walks through our doors. We know that no two situations are the same, so we will spend time with you to find the right treatments. If you are looking for alternatives to traditional solutions to help you with your incontinence or erectile dysfunction or you are interested in supplementing your already healthy lifestyle with a core-strengthening device, you can talk to us about Emsella.
What Is BTL Emsella™?
Emsella is a breakthrough treatment that uses HIFEM® technology to stimulate contractions in the muscles of the pelvic floor. HIFEM, or High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology, not only causes contractions that are many times stronger than those that can be achieved through exercise, but can also stimulate many more contractions. During one session, the Emsella chair can stimulate more than 11,000 contractions.
Emsella can also stimulate muscles deep within your body. Muscles that are as deep as 7cm in the body can be strengthened through this treatment. The results that can be achieved have the potential to be much more comprehensive than any that can be gained through an exercise routine alone. It can be an effective option for men who are fed up with frequent trips to the bathroom or have difficulty in achieving and maintaining an erection, but who don’t have time for thousands of Kegels.
Incontinence Treatments With Emsella
Frequent urination and incontinence can have far-reaching consequences for men. Not only can it be uncomfortable and embarrassing to have to excuse yourself frequently to use the bathroom, but it can also start to affect your sleep. Having your REM sleep interrupted several times per night can make you feel tired, especially if you have a difficult time falling back asleep.
While you should always visit your doctor to make sure there aren’t any underlying conditions such as an enlarged prostate or diabetes causing your incontinence, Emsella can be a good solution for men who are experiencing incontinence as a result of a weak pelvic floor. Emsella can help strengthen many of the key muscles in men that are needed for bladder control.
Erectile Dysfunction Treatments With Emsella
Erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages for many different reasons. Medical problems, nerve damage, certain medications, and psychological problems can all contribute to this condition. The inability to have an erection can be distressing and can have a negative effect on many aspects of life including your relationships and your self-confidence.
Exercises such as Kegels and aerobic exercise can help to improve erectile dysfunction because they help strengthen the muscles that are needed during an erection. But there are many men who lack the time to do the amount of work needed to achieve satisfactory results. Emsella does the work for you over. Not only can the treatment strengthen crucial pelvic floor muscles, but it may also increase blood flow to the penis and help nerves in the area to function better. These benefits can help resolve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction at their source to improve your sex life without the pill.
Emsella to Supplement Your Workout Routine
If you love to keep your body in shape but have a hard time reaching the pelvic floor muscles with your regular exercise routine, Emsella can be a good supplement to your healthy lifestyle. The treatment can be especially helpful for men who are trying to build up their core. The pelvic muscles are the lower part of the core and affect the performance of other core muscles such as the abdominal muscles. Keeping both in good condition can help your overall fitness. If you want help targeting the muscles in your pelvic floor, ask us about Emsella treatments for men.
What Are Emsella Treatments Like?
Emsella is revolutionary not only because of the cutting-edge technology but also because of the ease of treatment. During your appointment, you will simply sit fully clothed as directed on the Emsella chair. The treatment is not painful, although it may be a unique sensation. You will feel your muscles contracting and you may feel a tingling or buzzing sensation. During the session, you can feel free to relax and read a book or magazine.
Proper positioning during Emsella treatments is important. During your appointment, we will monitor you and check up with you to make sure you are comfortable and that all of your muscles are contracting evenly. We may adjust your position occasionally throughout the treatment.
We usually recommend a treatment schedule of twice per week for three weeks. For many men, the best results are seen after six treatments, but this can vary from patient to patient. Because personalized health is at the center of what we do, we always carefully monitor your progress so that you get the best treatment possible for you.
Personalized Solutions in Louisville, KY
Do you struggle with male incontinence and frequent urination? At Medical Transformation Center, we have a solution – Emsella. It has been proven to improve bladder control. The chair-like device stimulates your pelvic floor muscles, strengthening them and allowing them to help you control urination and avoid leaks. Contact us to book an appointment for Emsella treatments today.