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How to Improve Gut Health: 6 Foods to Eat

April 30, 2024

The human gut is the foundation of health. Beyond just providing sustenance, the gut influences many areas of health, from the nervous and immune systems to mental health and digestive function. Roughly 100 trillion bacteria make their home in your gut, where they produce metabolites that impact health. The balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut can greatly impact how we feel on a daily basis. If you’re wondering how to improve gut health, several foods can provide an influx of good bacteria in your gut.

Below are 6 foods that can improve your gut health. Of course, it’s important to take into account your own unique constitution, lifestyle, epigenetic factors, any health conditions, sensitivities, and allergies when considering incorporating foods in your diet to support your gut health. These foods have different effects on your gut, so depending upon your situation and health concerns, some can be beneficial, others not. Please consult your health partner to get more individualized recommendations. To learn more about how you can develop a more personalized approach to gut health that draws on cellular and regenerative medicine, keep reading after these 6 foods!

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with powerful probiotics! These are live bacteria or yeasts that have health benefits when consumed. The live cultures in yogurt can help improve digestion and keep your gut healthy. They can also be cooling for your digestive tract, notably if you’re experiencing mild inflammation. Yogurt products labeled “Live & Active Cultures”, such as Greek yogurt, feature at least 100 million cultures per gram. For a more paleo-mediterranean alternative, consider authentic Greek yoga, which is made with goat’s milk, or sheep-milk yogurt. It’s also important to evaluate the flavorings and additives in your yogurt – is there excess sugar that will then counteract the good benefits of yogurt to feed the “bad bacteria” in your gut? All yogurts are not created equally.

2. Garlic

This pungent root vegetable often used to give more flavor to dishes can be extremely beneficial for gut health. Garlic contains prebiotics and features compounds that help your digestive tract, so it can often help provide relief for those with gut concerns like IBS, GERD, nausea and more. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties keep bad bacteria under control.

3. Ginger

If you’ve ever had an upset stomach, you may have tried to settle it by drinking ginger ale. That’s because ginger produces stomach acid and helps your digestive tract keep moving smoothly. Consuming ginger can increase digestive efficiency, so food doesn’t stick around for too long in your gut.

4. Almonds

The next time you need a healthy snack, reach for almonds! Loaded with fiber, polyphenols, fatty acids and more beneficial compounds, almonds are beneficial for gut health. When we digest almonds, it increases butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that provides fuel for cells in the lining of your colon, promoting gut health.

5. Leafy Greens

Eating leafy greens is one of the best ways to improve not just gut health, but overall health! Packed with fiber and nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A and folate, leafy greens also contain a sugar that specifically aids in the growth of healthy gut bacteria. For an easy leafy green recipe, check out our Bok Choy Stir Fry.

6. Avocado

Avocados support the formation of healthy gut bacteria while being packed with antioxidants that can protect your intestines from oxidative stress. They also have high levels of potassium, which helps with muscle contractions in your gut. The monounsaturated fats in avocados increase beneficial microbiota.

Cellular & Regenerative Support for Gut Health

Additional solutions exist to support gut health. By addressing diseases at the root cause, cellular and regenerative medicine can be used to improve the overall health of your gut.

Medical Transformation Center uses personalized diagnostics and genomic testing to identify existing health issues and determine your risk for various medical conditions, including gastrointestinal issues. Based on your family history, genetics, current health state and lifestyle, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan best suited for you.

These diagnostics, including detailed questions and an all-encompassing approach, provide valuable information on potential gut permeability and bacterial overgrowth, which contribute to a healthy gut. We can determine if you’re genetically predisposed to a gastrointestinal condition, ultimately helping you to prevent and manage diseases.

Supplementation can give your gut a boost, fostering a balanced and healthy gastrointestinal ecosystem. Our Regenavita supplements for digestive health are backed by extensive research and proven to be effective for patients. One amazing supplement for gut health is collagenpre- and probiotics can also be very effective as well as supports for gut permeability and motility.

The MTC Approach

Medical Transformation Center

This specialized, integrative approach involves more than just treating existing illnesses, we can also identify conditions early on before they turn into much bigger problems. By discovering underlying causes through the use of diagnostic tools and techniques, as well as cutting-edge technologies, we aim to prevent potential health conditions before they ever begin. Learn more about how Medical Transformation Center can help you protect your gut health.

Experience this life-changing approach by booking an appointment at Medical Transformation Center!

If you’ve ever wondered how to improve gut health, you can give these foods and personalized regenerative and cellular medicine options a try!

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